Always ignored but the most important element of our life nutrition is much more important after hair transplantation. wins. Because the transplanted hair follicles adapt to their new place. our diet plays a big role. Therefore, hair transplantation application
We take an active part in its success with our nutrition. For this taking care of our nutrition and taking good care of our new hair follicles must. So now hair transplantation with details Let’s evaluate the next. How after hair transplant Let’s learn together that we need to eat and why Let’s see if it matters.
- The first warning you will receive after hair transplantation is the protection of hair follicles, it will definitely not be hit and the like. Followed by the most important point to be considered is nutrition. That’s why keep the issue of nutrition on your agenda for a long time, care you must show.
- Before giving the recommendations and details about nutrition, It is worth noting; by protecting the hair follicles from impacts sports will also be very important in this process, as a supplement to your diet will create. In this process, away from bad habits such as smoking stopping will also shorten the healing process, while the results will be a higher success. It will ensure that it has the ratio.
- It means that nutrition reaches a certain order, hair follicles are mediated by blood. with good nutrition, regular nutrition of hair follicles means. That’s why you need a diet and routine.
- You should also pay attention to the content of what you eat. Necessary for your hair you should consume foods containing vitamin minerals, with the recommendation of your physician
You should take various vitamin and mineral supplements. Shock shedding is a common condition after hair transplantation and not welcome. None of us see this image after hair transplantation.
we don’t want However, with regular and proper nutrition, this possibility is eliminated. You can remove it. Even if shock shedding occurs, at worst spill the proportion of hair will be less. So a good nutrition for your hair make your hair follicles a part of your life it will also be easier for you to protect.
- It is also normal to experience hair loss after hair transplantation. is welcomed and new hair is expected with curiosity. This is where the new The high ratio of hair can only be achieved with good nutrition. Because taking care of the hair follicles entrusted to you with proper nutrition you have to. Only in this way can you keep them alive.
- In fact, proper nutrition is always important for beautiful hair. Hair transplant Afterwards, nutrition becomes more important. New newly manifested andIn order for your hair that starts to grow to gain strength and to grow rapidly You have to be careful with everything you eat and drink.
- When nutritional rules are observed, it is full of vitamins and minerals When adhering to a full schedule, cell renewal rate there will be an increase. This is very important after hair transplantation. Moreover, this The scheme should not be focused on hair transplantation only. Because the hair
Proper nutrition is important for skin beauty as well as cultivation. Cell The increase in your renewal rate will have wonderful effects on your skin.
- An important effect of cell renewal rate is the recovery time. You will see it shortening. So your new hair in a much shorter time you can meet.
- The first thing that comes first in the nutrition rules is not to eat too much. Good By nourishment we never mean eating too much. This That’s why you should keep your meals under control. Must spend light meals but you should prefer nutritious foods in terms of content. Otherwise your body will spend energy to digest the excess food you eat, and this It is not a condition we desire for our hair. Being hungry is another situation that we do not prefer. That’s why this During the period, you should not diet or stay hungry for a long time. Your diet plans It is useful to postpone for a while.
- Smoking is an important element that you should stay away from in this process. Cigaret under normal conditions, it is already a harmful habit, but its effects in this process. not very nice. Smoking suppresses hair follicles and prevents new hair from growing. It is a pest strong enough to prevent. Hair follicles, our capillaries It receives oxygen and nourishment thanks to the blood carried through it. If it’s a cigarette suppresses circulation, prevents oxygen from reaching our hair follicles. Hence It is quite difficult to get the positive results we want with smoking.
- Like cigarettes, alcohol is not beneficial to us in this process and one of the elements. Alcohol that tires our organs, our newly transplanted hair it can suppress and prevent us from getting the results we want. So the most at least alcohol consumption should be minimized.
- We talked about the importance of regular nutrition. The meals are exactly It needs to be fulfilled on time, without skipping. This order, hair It can be thought of as feeding our roots regularly.
- Junk food and various snacks are normally healthy in terms of health. not suitable and not recommended. Do not consume after hair transplantation They are among the requirements. As a result of this, dried nuts become snacks. you should bring them and stay away from harmful junk food.
For Our Hair After Hair Transplantation Necessary Vitamins and Nutrients
First Vitamin A, Biotin, Folic Acid, Vitamin C and Vitamin E what comes to mind. All of these should be part of your diet. A vitamin as an anti-inflammatory, extremely beneficial for the scalp and sweet potatoes, carrots, spinach, tomatoes, apricots, parsley, milk, and eggs You can get vitamin A via. Biotin is necessary for our hair. responsible for the production of keratin. Raw egg yolks, mulberries, liver, peanuts and all green leafy vegetables are rich in biotin and in the process consumable.
If we come to folic acid, folic acid is a part of group B vitamins. B9 Folic acid, also known as Folate, in the process of cell divisionit is effective and cell regenerative. For this reason, after hair transplantation recommendations is located between. To get folic acid, liver, broccoli, corn, red meat, Our diet includes foods such as eggs, artichokes, melon, wheat and rye. we need to make it a part of it. In addition to its numerous benefits, vitamin C It is effective because it increases circulation speed. Taking vitamin C pepper, kiwi, broccoli, parsley, strawberry and citrus fruits as we know. we need to consume.
Finally, what we need to take after hair transplantation is for our hair. Let’s talk about the essential element, vitamin E. Vitamin E for hair cells It is very effective in its production and renewal. Likewise for the skin is indispensable. It acts as a complete nourisher for our hair.
Sunflower seeds, wheat germ, spinach, almond, hazelnut, turnip and avocado It is possible to get vitamin E through. All these listed nutritional information will help you in a shorter time. it will regain your hair. It also makes your hair healthier. will provide. As an essential part of the hair transplant process These utritional rules and suggestions we will consider are the new will make you happier in your period. So you too you should provide and eat right.