Various hair treatments such as hair mesotherapy, hair loss or hair sensitivity providing beneficial effects on problems and medically approved by research It is a treatment practice. Inject the materials needed by the hair into the hair It aims to gain vitality through the roots. Hair thinning If individuals facing the problem apply hair mesotherapy He can observe that his hair is nourished and he can have healthier hair. Hair mesotherapy with micro needles to the scalp to the situation and It can be summarized as injection applications determined according to their properties.
What Does Hair Mesotherapy Process Include?
With this microinjection intervention, the dermis, the functional layer of the hair skin, All the minerals, vitamins and regulators hair needs injected into the root. If this local intervention is desired, all hair can be applied to the region. Depending on the situation, only the sparse region can also be applied. Hair problem regardless of age, male, female or All living individuals can have hair mesotherapy. At the same time painless, It is a painless application. According to the size of the area to be applied hair mesotherapy session Although it varies, it may take an average of 1 hour. Primarily anesthetic cream application can be made. Microinjection phase immediately after begins. In the last part, called electroporation and injected By increasing the absorption of drugs, the stage that puts the hair into the growth period takes place. 4-6 sessions of hair mesotherapy application in order to stop hair loss is carried out, and after that, a small number of Protection treatment is continued by applying sessions.
Benefits of Hair Mesotherapy, What are they?
Hair mesotherapy has become widespread today and is very successful. gives results. Even its application to only a small area causes the hair follicles to be affected and the healing rate spreads and increases. Recovery starts from the first session in individuals who have the application and development rate increases over time. In hair mesotherapy without high costs injected drugs should be determined by specialist physicians and must be applied. Therefore, with professional dermatologists in the field it is recommended to work.
If I Have Hair Mesotherapy, Will My Hair Grow?
Stopping hair loss, nourished and Providing new hair regrowth with awakened hair follicles and significant increase in vitality has been observed. With hair mesotherapy hair follicles with injected minerals, vitamins and regulators. obtaining the nutrients they need and sleeping roots It is provided to gain functionality by animating. Thus, healthy hair follicles is obtained and the environment where the dreamed hair is achieved is prepared. There will be a solution against baldness, especially in men and age as it progresses, male pattern baldness is delayed. Male pattern baldness is a serious and common problem especially in our country.
What Is In My Life With Hair Mesotherapy? Will it change?
Hair loss has various problems. May be genetic as well as hormonal can also happen. A large number of people, from stress to neglect why it is possible to lose his hair. This situation with hair mesotherapy reversible. Not only for hair loss, but also for existing hair It is also a very suitable method to increase its durability. Hair mesotherapy, preservation of existing hair after hair transplantation, preventing weakening of hair, gaining shine and volume; damaged by hairdresser interventions, such as paint that was previously applied to the hair, or Restoring burning hair to its former health, late growth problem provides high success in issues such as prevention. During the hair mesotherapy, the hair follicle is prepared for the hair follicle. Healthy for the renewal of the roots with the cocktail consisting of the nutrients they need a circulation is provided and this person’s hair by increasing the number of hair strands allows it to regain volume and vitality.
Hair Transplant
Before & After
10th Day After Hair Transplantation
The biggest concern of those who want to have a hair transplant is how their appearance will be after the procedure. Don't worry, hair transplant scars disappear in 10 days.